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Old 11-07-2007, 10:00   #1

Varsayılan citizenship

İ am an english citizen who has lived in Turkey for the last four years. İn this time İ have bought an apartment (which is at the moment in my brothers name). İ have started to wonder about whether İ could apply for citizenship, the problem is that İ havent until now taken a residence permit. Because İ frequently have to travel İ have continued to take tourist visas every three months. Obviously my passport shows the time İ have spent in Turkey but İ wonder what my situation would be legally.
Old 20-11-2007, 11:30   #2


According to Turkish Nationality Law,conditions of acquiring Turkish nationality with the formal consent are:
a)Being in full age pursuant to the national law
b)Inhabiting in Turkey for 5 years before the application date for nationality
c)Having confirmed in attitude to reside in Turkey
d)Being in good moral character
d)Not being diseased with a serious illness as per the general health
e)Having knowledge of adequate Turkish
f)Being able to support him/herself and his/her dependants in Turkey

Moreover, a foreignor may obtain nationality through gettin married with a Turkish citizen.Also, as regards the "Inhabiting" requisite, it is stipulated by law that being abroad not more than 6 months does not sustain the condition of being an inhabitant in Turkey.

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Turkish Citizenship Law Kathy Turkish Law 1 30-01-2002 16:48

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